Connect with 1,800+ workers in Miami

Finding on-demand workers in Miami just got easier. Use Bacon to start staffing temporary workers located near Miami looking for flexible, seasonal, and temp-to-hire roles.

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Trusted by businesses large and small
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Because it's built up of local Miami workers, Bacon's on-demand workforce reflects the culture and diversity of Miami.


Bacon is all about making temp work professional and reliable. From Logistics to hospitality to warehousing and events, Bacon workers have been there, done that.


A five-star rating system promotes accountability that allows businesses to view workers' profiles before they are hired.

Get Access to Flexible, Qualified Workers in Miami Like These.

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Find qualified workers in minutes
Get Started

A Better Way to Find Temp Labor in Miami

Staffing hourly workers that fit for your business through traditional staffing agencies is getting harder. Bacon is all about making temp work professional and reliable. Our on-demand staffing app gives businesses the power to find temp workers within minutes.

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Write a post description—include things like location, number of needed workers, dress get the gist. You're even in control of the hourly rate. This is the beauty of on-demand staffing.

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Once your shift is posted, any of our workers can apply. After reviewing their profiles, previous experience, and past ratings, you get to select the workers who show up to your business.

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After a completed shift, no need to fill out complicated paperwork. Simply give the worker a rating, leave a review, and push a button to pay them with your preferred method of payment on the same app.

Bacon's Changed the Way Businesses Find Hourly Workers.

high temp staff fill rate

91% Fill Rate

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1,800+ Workers in Miami

no temp agency buyout fees

No Conversion Fees

Bacon Worker Density in Miami

miami temp worker density map
Map is a visual approximation of platform data.

Quality Temp Labor for Any Industry

Bacon workers have been there, done that—warehouse fulfillment, event staffing, name the industry and you'll find quality workers for hire.
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General labor

Build a Reliable Team

After initial hesitancy, Pegasus Industries & Packaging built a bench of top-notch workers and achieved a 96% fill rate for years.

company uses Bacon for warehouse staffing

Additional Resources for Miami

Frequently Asked Questions


It's the Bacon way!