Warehouse Staffing
August 15, 2024

3 Reasons Why Warehouses Are Turning to On-Demand Staffing for Seasonal Surges

Warehouses are choosing to use on-demand staffing apps for temporary warehouse staffing.

Bacon Inc

As seasonal surges begin to pick up, more warehouses are choosing to use on-demand staffing as a staffing solution. On-demand staffing platforms give warehouses access to a wide pool of background checked workers. Here are 3 reasons warehouses choose on-demand staffing apps during seasonal demands.  

Flexibility and Control Over Temporary Staffing 

Warehouses experience intense seasonal surges in demands, and it can be a challenge to find staff to meet these demands. On-demand staffing gives warehouses the ability to meet seasonal demands by providing the flexibility to scale their workforce up or down quickly. Warehouses have the control to match their staffing numbers directly to their unique needs. 

BACON gives warehouses the control over when shifts are needed, how many workers are needed, and the wage the workers will be paid. And without contracts or subscriptions, warehouses have complete control and flexibility over their on-demand staff. 

High Fill Rates 

If shifts aren’t being filled and worked then the staffing strategy is not working. On-demand staffing platform BACON has an average fill rate of 90%. 

This is a result of giving workers control over their own schedule and shifts they choose to apply for. When workers choose to work the shift they show up, work hard and care more about the work they’re doing. 

Consistent Talent Flow to Solve Retention Problems 

On-demand staffing is similar to temp agencies by giving warehouses access to a diverse and ready workforce. It differs from traditional staffing agencies because there is no contract to keep the same workers for a set period.   

This eliminates dependency on just a few people and opens the door to a consistent flow of workers. Effectively solving the retention problem many warehouses are facing. 

On-demand staffing apps have many advantages that result in warehouses utilizing them to meet seasonal demands.

On-demand staffing is more flexible and caters to the unique needs of each warehouse. The fill rates of over 90% mean work gets done when it needs to be done. And with a consistent flow of talent, warehouses don’t have to worry about retaining just a few workers. If you’re a warehouse, 3PL, or work in manufacturing check out how BACON can help you meet seasonal demands.

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