Warehouse Staffing
August 8, 2024

Sourcing Warehouse Staff: 3 Ways to Find Temporary Warehouse Staff.

Bacon and other on-demand staffing apps are the best way to source temporary warehouse workers.

Bacon Inc

Seasonal demands are right around the corner. Getting on top of temporary staffing before peak times hit is important. Figuring out where to find temporary warehouse staff is daunting. The three best ways to find temporary staff are temp agencies, traditional hiring, and on-demand staffing apps. 

1. Temp Agencies 

Using temporary agencies, more commonly known as temp agencies, is the old-school approach. When a contract is signed with a temp agency, they provide warehouses with pre-screened candidates who work for a predetermined amount of time. 

They are popular because the time and effort of finding and screening staff is off-loaded to the temp agency. The process of using a temp agency is simple and established, making it an especially popular choice.

However, temp agencies offer limited flexibility and control over the hiring process. Temp agencies have higher costs because of agency and hiring fees and are notorious for having low fill rates.   

2. Traditional Hiring Methods

Traditional hiring methods require more effort than other options. Warehouse staffing managers will directly hire through job postings on job-seeking platforms. 

This offers greater control over the selection process, as warehouses directly choose the workers. This method allows for the potential to build long-term relationships with workers. 

Traditional temporary hiring is also a long, time-consuming process. Businesses are responsible for doing their own background checks, interviews, and vetting processes. This method is not flexible enough to respond to immediate staffing needs.

3. On-Demand Staffing Apps 

On-demand staffing apps, like Bacon, combine the simplicity of temp agencies and the control of traditional hiring methods. On Bacon, warehouses post the shifts they need filled. They choose the hours, wages, and number of workers needed.

After the shift is posted, it’s pushed to thousands of workers on the platform. Workers apply for the shift. The warehouse then chooses the workers they want to accept. After a shift, workers are paid through the app. 

Bacon gives warehouses the flexibility to match their temporary staffing to their unique demands, making it a perfect choice for staffing seasonal demands. Bacon has no contracts or subscriptions and allows warehouses to choose what the workers are paid. 

Bacon workers can see what the potential pay of the shift is before they apply. This is one of the factors that contribute to a fill rate of over 90%

On-demand staffing apps are a growing strategy, and some cities may have no workers while others have thousands of workers. Bacon has large and growing markets in places like Salt Lake City, Dallas, Fort Worth, Las Vegas, and Miami.

It’s vital for warehouses to develop a staffing strategy before they reach peak seasonal demands. Temp agencies are the age-old approach that is simple but offers little control and low fill rates. Traditional hiring is a time-intensive strategy that doesn’t have the speed or flexibility to meet seasonal demands. On-demand staffing apps have the simplicity and flexibility to match seasonal demands and give warehouses the control they need while reaching high fill rates.

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